
Showing posts from 2013


Salad seems easy.  You don't have to cook it , it can be prepared quite easily but if you do a salad right, it can elevate any meal from ordinary to sublime.  You can add all sorts of vegetables into a salad, it depends on your individual tastes.  The secret of a great salad is in the aesthetics.  You eat with your eyes first - so your salad must be pleasing to look at.  Involve color and variety to interest the eye.  Then after the eyes have eaten their fill it becomes a task of pleasing the mouth.  This involves taste and texture - the more you vary the texture and taste of your ingredients the more interesting your salad will be.  Also do not soak it in dressing, in fact either let your guests dress their own salads with whatever you keep in your refrigerator or if you want to be daring - create your own.  But that is a story for another day.  So back to salad making.  Here is the basic salad. Lettuce - I'm still a fan of iceberg - but many people will say that it is